Thursday, March 7, 2019

Saturday March 9 Recording

Thank you for a very productive rehearsal last evening. We covered a lot of material that we'll record this Saturday, so thank you for your focus and endurance!

About this Saturday:

As most of you know the weather is looking pretty bad for Saturday. The forecast now has the snow starting in the afternoon - maybe even right at noon and getting heavier as the afternoon progresses. After talking to Doug (our recording engineer) and all of you last evening at rehearsal, we've decided to start the recording at 8 am to avoid the bad weather and everyone get home safely. We'll end right around 11 and have lunch. So, please be at the cathedral by 7:30 AM. I don't think I need to express to you how important it is that you're there at 7:30 so that we can start on time.

Also, there's still a possibility that the forecast changes for the worst. In this case we'll just have to cancel the entire recording session. In consultation with the choir board and Doug, we'll make this decision Friday evening and send an email to you.

I don't think any of us like the idea of starting at 8. Think of it this way, though. The next day we have to change our clocks anyhow. Just think that you're changing a day early...maybe that will help just a tad :-)

See you all Saturday bright and early (hopefully!).