Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Saturday March 30 Recording

This coming Saturday is our last scheduled recording session. Please be at the cathedral by 9 AM to help set up downstairs and warmup. We'll begin recording very soon after our recording engineer, Doug, is all set up.

Things that we still have to record:
  1. Psalm 103, Greek Chant
  2. Blessed is the Man
  3. Stichera at Lord I Call (five total)
  4. Praise the Name of the Lord
  5. Magnificat
  6. Cherubikon
  7. It is Truly Meet
  8. Open unto us the doors
Just like our last recording we'll have lunch prepared for everyone from Jimmy John's at the end of the recording session. 

I can't emphasis how important tomorrow's rehearsal is for our last recording this coming Saturday. Please make every effort to be there on time and focused, ready to rehearse. I need your focus attention for 90 minutes!

Last but not least, here is an audio file from our last recording session. Bishop Hilarion Alfeyev's Beatitudes. As you'll hear it turned out very nicely. You should be proud!
