Thursday, February 28, 2019

Saturday's Recording

Some of you have asked that I forward a list of things we'll record this Saturday. Below is such list. Please know that these pieces we plan to record. Depending on how things go we might do more, less, or even different pieces than on the list. 
  1. Magnification
  2. Matins Prokeimenon
  3. General Canon to Theotokos (Sander)
  4. Exaposteilarion, Bulgarian Chant
  5. Antiphon 1
  6. Antiphon 2
  7. Beatitudes (Alfeyev)
  8. Troparion, Common Chant
  9. Troparion, Serbian Chant
  10. Troparion, Greek Russian Chant (Trubachov)
  11. Kontakion, Common Chant
  12. Kontakion, Greek Russian Chant (Elison)
  13. Trisagion (Alfeyev)
  14. We Have seen (Alfeyev)
  15. Blessed be the Name (Alfeyev)
  16. Beneath Your Compassion (Archbishop Job)
Such a long list might seem optimistic, and maybe it is. But, many of these pieces we know well and are very short, and I don't anticipate doing many takes with them.

Just to reiterate some things we discussed last night about Saturday:

Please, it is much more important to be early to the recording than arriving at the last minute. It is best to avoid any tension or stress, and arriving just before we begin adds greatly to this - both for you and me! So, please be at the cathedral no later than 12:30. There are a few things that we need to do, like clear space in front of the amvon/altar area, bring stands and books down from the loft, and also the water cooler. Arriving this early will allow you to help move some of these things, and give you a chance to maybe review briefly the music or ask questions if you have them. But, most importantly, arriving early will allow you to relax and focus calmly on what we're going to do.

Attire: please dress comfortably. Make sure you have comfortable shoes since we'll be standing on the hardwood floor for a few hours. We'll have to turn the heat off, so towards the end of the recording session it might get slightly chilly. Bring a light jacket or sweater if you think it's necessary.

Please, no shoes, slacks, shirts, jackets, etc. that make noise or any kind of crinkling sounds. The mics will pick this up.

Please, no perfume, cologne etc.

Before and after each take we'll have two or three seconds of dead sound. So, before we start singing, I will give the pitch, then I'll wait three seconds or so before I cue you to begin singing. Likewise, at the end of the take, after the final cutoff and before I relax my arms, we'll have three seconds or so of dead sound.

While recording, it's important that we do not make any noises such as coughing, sniffling, creaking the floor with our feet, etc. If any of these things happen during a take - even inadvertently - it will unfortunately be ruined. So, please take care during each take that we don't make any noises!

Finally, just to remind you again. Please be at the cathedral no later than 12:30. See you all on Saturday!