Saturday, February 16, 2019

Canon for the Theotokos

Below is a link to a folder that has audio files of Kurt Sander's canon to the Theotokos. Thank you Emily for getting this together.

In the folder you'll only be interested in the files that have the word "Continued" in the file name. In total, there are four of these: odes three, six, eight, and nine. There are no recordings of the other odes as far as I know.

Last Sunday, while working with some singers on this canon, I realized that there are two versions of this composition floating around. Surprisingly, both have been available from Kurt's website (if you're interested, Kurt's website is: To make a long story short, two of the heirmoi are different - six and seven. The sheet music in the binders in the loft for these two heirmoi is not the same as the electronic sheet music files that I sent out a few weeks ago. So, please be aware of this as you singing through the music on your own at home. We will use the versions in the binder for the recording.

At tomorrow's liturgy (if some of you read this before the morning), at the Troparia/Kontakia run we'll sing the following:

1. Resurrection Troparion, Tone 5
2. Glory...Kontakion for the Publican and the Pharisee
3. Now...Kontakion for Protection

For the cathedral's kontakion at the end, I'd like to sing the Bulgarian Chant setting by Resa. It's in the Liturgy binder at the end of the Troparia and Kontakia section.

While the clergy commune, we will sing "Open to me the doors of repentance..." and if there's some time, Fr. Sergei Glagolev's "Praise the Name of the Lord" from the recording binder.

Men, please remember that we're meeting this coming Wednesday after rehearsal and the following to rehearse some things for the recording.