Friday, October 26, 2018

Advent Concert Repertoire and Next Week's Rehearsal

This past Wednesday at rehearsal we reviewed the following things:

1. The first and second antiphons by Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev. I hope to include these two compositions (as well as others by Alfeyev) in our upcoming recording in March.

2. Shepherds of Bethlehem by Alexander Kastalsky. If you would like to know more about the history of this piece and missed the blog entry from September 27, please go back and read it. Here is a nice video of the composition in the original language. Unfortunately there is a time lag between the video and audio.

3. Me Thinks I See an Heavenly Host by William Billings. This Christmas carol I found in a stack of repertory Resa prepared for the 2009 Christmas concert. When I initially came across it about five or six years ago, I thought nothing of the composition and dismissed it quickly. This past summer while rummaging through music in the office I spotted it again and actually took a moment to sing through it. I was intrigued. It has a very "colonial" (if I can call it that) sound to it and keeps the singers on their toes, changing back and forth from duple to triple meter. Also, and probably most importantly, the text is quite theologically deep and goes to the heart of the Christian message. The more I sang through it and listened to recordings of it the more I liked it. I'll admit I knew nothing about William Billings before seeing this composition. After a quick google search, I found out that he was born in Boston in the 18th century and is considered the first American composer. Here is a nice short exposition of his life and works on Here is a video of the piece (this video is a different video than the one I sent out in the October 9 blog. The previous video - as nice a quality as it is - is not the same arrangement we are singing).

Please remember that this coming Wednesday's rehearsal is moved to Tuesday, October 30. Same time, same place.

Last but not least, this Sunday at liturgy we will sing Resa's cherubikon. Initially when I found the music on the office's computer, I sent a copy of it to Resa's parents and asked them for permission to include it in ISOCM's festschrift in honor of Fr. Sergei Glagolev's 90th birthday. So, her parents have a copy of the music, but have never heard it. The plan is to record it this Sunday and send it to them.