Thursday, March 4, 2010

Vespers text for Sunday of the Cross


Third Sunday of Lent: Veneration of the Holy Cross

"Lord, I Call..." Tone 6

T6 We will always bless the Lord * by singing of His Resurrection! * for He endured the Cross,//trampling down death by death.

Glory to Thy might, O Lord, * for Thou didst overthrow the prince of death! * By Thy Cross Thou hast renewed us,//granting us life and incorruption.

T5 Shine, O Cross of the Lord! * Illumine the hearts of those who honor you! * With love inspired by God, we embrace you, * for you are the only hope of the world. * Through you our tears are wiped away, * the snares of death are sprung, * and we pass over into everlasting joy. * Through the Cross reveal Thy beauty to us, O Lord! * Help Thy servants who ask for mercy in faith!//Bestow upon us the fruits of abstinence!

Hail, O life-bearing Cross: * bright paradise of the Church, the tree of incorruption! * You have obtained for us the joy of everlasting glory. * Through you, the hosts of demons are driven out; * the choirs of Angels are amazed and rejoice; * the company of the faithful gathers in celebration. *O unconquerable weapon, unbroken stronghold, * triumph of Orthodox Christians and pride of priests,//by following you may we witness the Passion and Resurrection of Christ our God!

Hail, O life-bearing Cross: * the invincible weapon of godliness, * the gate of Paradise, the protection of the faithful! * The Cross is the might of the Church, * through which corruption is abolished, * through which the power of death is crushed. * The Cross raises us up from earth to heaven. * The Cross is the enemy of Satan. * The Cross is the glory of martyrs. * The Cross is the haven of salvation,//and grants the world great mercy.

Come, O Adam and Eve, our first father and mother, * you fell from divine glory * through the envy of the murderer of man! * Bitter was the pleasure of the Tree of old; * but see, the honored Tree of the Cross draws near! * Run with haste and embrace it in joy, * crying out with faith: * “You are our help, O most-precious Cross! * We eat of your fruit and gain incorruption!// We are restored again to Eden, having received great mercy!”

Glory…T3 Wishing to restore all men to life, * Thou didst accept crucifixion, O Christ our God. * Burning with boundless love for man, * Thou didst take the quill of the Cross in Thy hand; * dipping it in ink of royal crimson, * Thou didst sign our release with blood-stained fingers. * Though temptations assault us, * may we never forsake Thee again! * Have mercy on Thy despairing people, * O long-suffering Master!//Arise and fight Thy enemies in Thy almighty power!

Now and ever…T6 Who will not bless you, O most holy Virgin? * Who will not sing of your most pure childbearing? * The only-begotten Son shone timelessly from the Father, * but from you He was ineffably incarnate. * God by nature, He became Man for our sake, * not divided into two persons but manifest as One in two natures. * Entreat Him, O pure and all-blessed Lady,//to have mercy on our souls!

Aposticha ­– All Resurrection T6, then…

Glory…Now and ever…T4 The humble David * defeated his enemies by Thy help, O Lord. * Now come to the aid of Thy Orthodox people; * show us Thy power as Thou didst of old, * and our adversaries will know that Thou art God! * And we will be victorious, for we hope in Thee. * Through the constant intercessions of Thy all-pure Mother,//grant us Thy great mercy!

Troparion – Resurrection T6, then…

Glory…T1 O Lord, save Thy people, * and bless Thine inheritance! * Grant victories to the Orthodox Christians * over their adversaries; * and by virtue of Thy Cross,//preserve Thy habitation!

Now and ever…T1 When Gabriel announced to you, O Virgin, saying “Rejoice!” * with that word the Master of all was incarnate in ^you, * the holy Ark, spoken of by the righteous David! * Your womb became more spacious than the heavens, * for you carried your Creator. * Glory to Him Who took abode in you! * Glory to Him Who came ^forth from you! * Glory to Him Who freed us by being born of you!