Thursday, March 4, 2010

Choir Rehearsal (March 3rd)

Today at rehearsal we went over the following music:

1) Troparion and Kontakion for Sunday of the Cross (i.e. "O Lord Save Thy People..." etc.): keep brisk pace
2) Trisagion - "Before Thy Cross..": English-Slavonic-English; note - we say "buh-fore" not "bee-fore"
3) Prokeimenon for Sunday of the Cross: keep pitch up, slower last time
4) Alleluia, Moscow Chant: "Allelu-i-a" not "Allelu-i-ya"
5) Cherubic Hymn, Lvovsky: enunciation
6) Anaphora (Feofanskoy), Hymn to the Theotokos "All of Creation..." - pace, we tend to plod
7) Communion Hymn "The light of Thy countenance... Alleluia" (Carpatho-Russian chant): a new setting
8) Clergy Communion - "Before Thy Cross" (Honcharov)... basses need to keep pitch up, emphasize dynamics, "buh-fore", not too slowly
9) Blue book - Theotokos #3 (We have no hope...): we began to re-familiarize ourselves with this hymn
10) "Come you faithful" - Stikhera for the Cross: sing briskly and enunciate
11) Kontakion of Annunciation "O Victorious Leader" (Allemanov)
12) Antiphons at Pre-Sanctified Liturgy: do not hold Choir A part too long, enunciate
13) "Now the Powers" - Lvovsky: emphasize the "k" in "king", "gl" ->"kl"
14) "O Taste and See" - Kievan Chant: basses need to keep initial pitch up

Following rehearsal, the men practiced for the Canon of Holy Friday Matins.