Friday, March 26, 2010


May God grant rest to His newly departed handmaiden, Susan Erickson, who fell asleep in the Lord, today, March 26.
Funeral Arrangements are with Kozlak-Radulovich
Sunday, March 28 ---Visitation and Parastas are at Kozlak-Radulovich.... Parastas at 7 PM
Monday, March 29 ---Funeral at Cathedral at 2:00 PM
Burial at St. Mary's.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Paschal Typika (Music)

Holy Friday Matins Antiphon 15

Here is a link to Antiphon 15 "Today He who hung the earth...", which we have been practicing at rehearsal.

Paschal Typika (Obednitsa)

I have scanned a copy of the Paschal Typika (Obednitsa) Service which will be sung on Pascha morning at 10:00am.

If you have any questions, please email me at and I will try to answer them.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Arrangements for Jim Brinda's Funeral

Sunday, March 21, visitation 5-8 PM, Parastas at 7 PM
Monday, March 22, visitation 9 AM, Funeral at 10 AM
Burial at St. Mary's
Luncheon to follow at Parish Center

Thursday, March 18, 2010


May God grant rest to His newly departed handmaiden, Ellen Paluch, who fell asleep in the Lord, March 17.
Funeral arrangements are with Kozlak-Radulovich Funeral Chapel.
Friday, March 19, visitation at K-R, 4-7:00 PM with Parastas at 4:30 PM
Saturday, March 20, visitation at Cathedral at 1 PM and Funeral at 2 PM.
May God grant rest to His newly departed servant, James Brinda, who fell asleep in the Lord, March 17.
Funeral arrangements are with Kozlak-Radulovich Funeral Chapel. No other information is known at this time.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Online Virtual Keyboard

If you don't have a piano at home to play the music on, you can access a "virtual" keyboard at this site:

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Annunciation Magnification

Are there any men out there who will be at Matins on Wednesday evening (March 24) and would like to sing the Magnficiation? It would be good to practice beforehand...

Georgian "Christ is Risen"

Would anyone be interested in learning this "Christ is Risen"?

Paschal Canon

Here is the link to the music for the Paschal Canon during Matins.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Choir Rehearsal (March 10th)

At choir rehearsal last night, we went over the following music:

Troparia and Kontakia - breathing

Trisagion - pace

Explained “Alleluia…” sequence

Practiced "We Have No Help..." (Ledkovsky)

“O Victorious Leader…” (Allemanov) - must go briskly

Paschal Nocturnes – dynamic, pace, enunciation, pitch

- after Kontakion – “This is the most blessed Sabbath…”

- “Do not lament me…”

- “Thy Resurrection, O Christ our Savior…”

Procession… “Thy Resurrection…” Clergy – XC thrice, we repeat thrice

“Let God Arise…” XC is repeated

Paschal Canon…Don’t hold half notes too long – music as guide and not rule


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Presanctified Liturgy texts (Week of the Cross)

1) "Lord, I Call..." verses for Presanctified Liturgy (Wednesday, March 10):

2) "Lord, I Call..." verses for Presanctified Liturgy (Friday, March 12):

Friday, March 5, 2010

Communion Hymn for Sunday of the Cross

After "Praise the Lord from the Heavens...," we will sing version #2 of "The light of Thy countenance..." It would be a good idea to review at home before Sunday. Here is a link to the music:

Here is a link to the "O Victorious Leader" we practiced on Wednesday:

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Singing Opportunity

I have been asked by Fr. Thaddeus Wojcik to lead a group of singers for Paschal Vespers at St. Thomas University in St. Paul. The dates are April 7 at 10:55am and April 9 at 1:35pm. If you are interested, please contact me at I am particularly looking for younger, college-aged people, but anyone is welcome to come.

Choir Meeting on March 10th

At the last rehearsal, it was decided to postpone the monthly Choir meeting until after Pascha. So there will be no meeting on March 10th.

Vespers text for Sunday of the Cross


Third Sunday of Lent: Veneration of the Holy Cross

"Lord, I Call..." Tone 6

T6 We will always bless the Lord * by singing of His Resurrection! * for He endured the Cross,//trampling down death by death.

Glory to Thy might, O Lord, * for Thou didst overthrow the prince of death! * By Thy Cross Thou hast renewed us,//granting us life and incorruption.

T5 Shine, O Cross of the Lord! * Illumine the hearts of those who honor you! * With love inspired by God, we embrace you, * for you are the only hope of the world. * Through you our tears are wiped away, * the snares of death are sprung, * and we pass over into everlasting joy. * Through the Cross reveal Thy beauty to us, O Lord! * Help Thy servants who ask for mercy in faith!//Bestow upon us the fruits of abstinence!

Hail, O life-bearing Cross: * bright paradise of the Church, the tree of incorruption! * You have obtained for us the joy of everlasting glory. * Through you, the hosts of demons are driven out; * the choirs of Angels are amazed and rejoice; * the company of the faithful gathers in celebration. *O unconquerable weapon, unbroken stronghold, * triumph of Orthodox Christians and pride of priests,//by following you may we witness the Passion and Resurrection of Christ our God!

Hail, O life-bearing Cross: * the invincible weapon of godliness, * the gate of Paradise, the protection of the faithful! * The Cross is the might of the Church, * through which corruption is abolished, * through which the power of death is crushed. * The Cross raises us up from earth to heaven. * The Cross is the enemy of Satan. * The Cross is the glory of martyrs. * The Cross is the haven of salvation,//and grants the world great mercy.

Come, O Adam and Eve, our first father and mother, * you fell from divine glory * through the envy of the murderer of man! * Bitter was the pleasure of the Tree of old; * but see, the honored Tree of the Cross draws near! * Run with haste and embrace it in joy, * crying out with faith: * “You are our help, O most-precious Cross! * We eat of your fruit and gain incorruption!// We are restored again to Eden, having received great mercy!”

Glory…T3 Wishing to restore all men to life, * Thou didst accept crucifixion, O Christ our God. * Burning with boundless love for man, * Thou didst take the quill of the Cross in Thy hand; * dipping it in ink of royal crimson, * Thou didst sign our release with blood-stained fingers. * Though temptations assault us, * may we never forsake Thee again! * Have mercy on Thy despairing people, * O long-suffering Master!//Arise and fight Thy enemies in Thy almighty power!

Now and ever…T6 Who will not bless you, O most holy Virgin? * Who will not sing of your most pure childbearing? * The only-begotten Son shone timelessly from the Father, * but from you He was ineffably incarnate. * God by nature, He became Man for our sake, * not divided into two persons but manifest as One in two natures. * Entreat Him, O pure and all-blessed Lady,//to have mercy on our souls!

Aposticha ­– All Resurrection T6, then…

Glory…Now and ever…T4 The humble David * defeated his enemies by Thy help, O Lord. * Now come to the aid of Thy Orthodox people; * show us Thy power as Thou didst of old, * and our adversaries will know that Thou art God! * And we will be victorious, for we hope in Thee. * Through the constant intercessions of Thy all-pure Mother,//grant us Thy great mercy!

Troparion – Resurrection T6, then…

Glory…T1 O Lord, save Thy people, * and bless Thine inheritance! * Grant victories to the Orthodox Christians * over their adversaries; * and by virtue of Thy Cross,//preserve Thy habitation!

Now and ever…T1 When Gabriel announced to you, O Virgin, saying “Rejoice!” * with that word the Master of all was incarnate in ^you, * the holy Ark, spoken of by the righteous David! * Your womb became more spacious than the heavens, * for you carried your Creator. * Glory to Him Who took abode in you! * Glory to Him Who came ^forth from you! * Glory to Him Who freed us by being born of you!

Choir Rehearsal (March 3rd)

Today at rehearsal we went over the following music:

1) Troparion and Kontakion for Sunday of the Cross (i.e. "O Lord Save Thy People..." etc.): keep brisk pace
2) Trisagion - "Before Thy Cross..": English-Slavonic-English; note - we say "buh-fore" not "bee-fore"
3) Prokeimenon for Sunday of the Cross: keep pitch up, slower last time
4) Alleluia, Moscow Chant: "Allelu-i-a" not "Allelu-i-ya"
5) Cherubic Hymn, Lvovsky: enunciation
6) Anaphora (Feofanskoy), Hymn to the Theotokos "All of Creation..." - pace, we tend to plod
7) Communion Hymn "The light of Thy countenance... Alleluia" (Carpatho-Russian chant): a new setting
8) Clergy Communion - "Before Thy Cross" (Honcharov)... basses need to keep pitch up, emphasize dynamics, "buh-fore", not too slowly
9) Blue book - Theotokos #3 (We have no hope...): we began to re-familiarize ourselves with this hymn
10) "Come you faithful" - Stikhera for the Cross: sing briskly and enunciate
11) Kontakion of Annunciation "O Victorious Leader" (Allemanov)
12) Antiphons at Pre-Sanctified Liturgy: do not hold Choir A part too long, enunciate
13) "Now the Powers" - Lvovsky: emphasize the "k" in "king", "gl" ->"kl"
14) "O Taste and See" - Kievan Chant: basses need to keep initial pitch up

Following rehearsal, the men practiced for the Canon of Holy Friday Matins.