Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Fall Schedule

Dear Choir!

I hope everyone is having a restful summer. This coming Thursday is the Dormition of the Theotokos. I hope as many of you that can will come to Vespers (6:15 pm on Wednesday) and Liturgy (9 am on Thursday) for the feast. 

This coming Sunday, August 18, the male choir will sing divine liturgy at the cathedral. So, sopranos and altos, make note: you have this Sunday off from singing. Of course, there's also the 8:30 am liturgy at the cemetery chapel, which you (female singers) are most welcome to attend and sing for. 

Please note!!! Saturday, August 31 we have a wedding at 3 PM (not at 2 PM like originally scheduled). Group 1 is scheduled to sing. 

Our rehearsals resume on Wednesday, September 4. 

Things to have on your choir calendar for this upcoming fall and into winter: 

1. Wednesday, September 4. Rehearsals resume.
2. Saturday, September 28. Taste of Northeast Concert, 3:30 pm.
3. Saturday, October 5, 9 am. Byzantine Festival Workshop, 9 am.
4. Sunday, October 6, 5 pm. Byzantine Festival Concert 5 pm.
5. Wednesday, October 9. Annual Choir Meeting, 7 pm.
6. Saturday, December 7. Advent Concert 7 pm. 
7. Sunday, December 8. Heirarchical Divine Liturgy 8:30 am. 
8. Friday, December 13. TMORA Concert, time TBD. 

This coming November the Basilica Choir and MEOCCA Choir are collaborating to sing the Rachmaninoff All-Night Vigil. If you have interest in this (and I encourage you to, especially if you've never sung this work before) please contact Sara Ann Pogorely (saraann.pogorely@gmail.com).

Finally, about our recording this past spring. Just this past Friday I received from Doug, our recording engineer, the edited and mixed audio files. I'll still have go through these with a fine-tooth comb, but I can say from what I listened to everything sounds wonderful. There'll more information on this in the near future. 

Deacon Gregory