Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Fall Schedule

Dear Choir!

I hope everyone is having a restful summer. This coming Thursday is the Dormition of the Theotokos. I hope as many of you that can will come to Vespers (6:15 pm on Wednesday) and Liturgy (9 am on Thursday) for the feast. 

This coming Sunday, August 18, the male choir will sing divine liturgy at the cathedral. So, sopranos and altos, make note: you have this Sunday off from singing. Of course, there's also the 8:30 am liturgy at the cemetery chapel, which you (female singers) are most welcome to attend and sing for. 

Please note!!! Saturday, August 31 we have a wedding at 3 PM (not at 2 PM like originally scheduled). Group 1 is scheduled to sing. 

Our rehearsals resume on Wednesday, September 4. 

Things to have on your choir calendar for this upcoming fall and into winter: 

1. Wednesday, September 4. Rehearsals resume.
2. Saturday, September 28. Taste of Northeast Concert, 3:30 pm.
3. Saturday, October 5, 9 am. Byzantine Festival Workshop, 9 am.
4. Sunday, October 6, 5 pm. Byzantine Festival Concert 5 pm.
5. Wednesday, October 9. Annual Choir Meeting, 7 pm.
6. Saturday, December 7. Advent Concert 7 pm. 
7. Sunday, December 8. Heirarchical Divine Liturgy 8:30 am. 
8. Friday, December 13. TMORA Concert, time TBD. 

This coming November the Basilica Choir and MEOCCA Choir are collaborating to sing the Rachmaninoff All-Night Vigil. If you have interest in this (and I encourage you to, especially if you've never sung this work before) please contact Sara Ann Pogorely (saraann.pogorely@gmail.com).

Finally, about our recording this past spring. Just this past Friday I received from Doug, our recording engineer, the edited and mixed audio files. I'll still have go through these with a fine-tooth comb, but I can say from what I listened to everything sounds wonderful. There'll more information on this in the near future. 

Deacon Gregory

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Male Choir Liturgy

On Sunday August 18 the male choir will sing the Divine Liturgy at the cathedral. Male singers - if you'd like to sing, please attend the special rehearsal on Wednesday, August 14 after Great Vespers (approximately 7 pm). Female singers - you have the Sunday off from singing. Or, of course, you're more than welcome to sing at the 8:30 am liturgy at the cemetery chapel that morning. Tanya Dmowski would be happy to have you I'm sure!

Male singers. It's really important that you attend rehearsal on Wednesday, August 14. There are a few new pieces that we'll be introducing into the male repertoire for liturgy. Also, I ask that everyone arrive at the cathedral at 8:30 am on Sunday, August 18 to warmup and re-acquaint ourselves with some of the new repertoire. I'm very much looking forward to directing you!