Thursday, December 20, 2018

Nativity Services and Doxastichon at Vespers

As many of you know we have a slightly adjusted schedule this year for our Nativity services. On Christmas Eve we will not have Compline as we normally do at 8 or 9 pm. Rather, starting at 10 pm we'll serve Matins and then segue in to Divine Liturgy for the feast. I imagine that Divine Liturgy will start no later than 11 pm, which means we'll be receiving communion right around midnight and finishing liturgy sometime between 12:15 and 12:30 (at the very latest). Of course there are unknown variables, such as how many people will be there, the number of communicants and how many clergy distributing communion. For those who are curious and planning things around this new midnight service, I think it's safe to say we'll be done no later than 12:30 am. And, yes, there will still be the normal 10 am liturgy on Tuesday, December 25.

Thank you to everyone who attended last evening's rehearsal. For both those who were there and those who were not, we reviewed a new piece, a znamenny arrangement of the Dogmatikon at Lord I Call for Christmas Eve Vespers. It's a piece sung in unison, a style similar to what you would have heard in the medieval period in Eastern Europe. I think it adds a nice element to the service, juxtaposing the old (this piece) with the new (harmonized Kievan Chant, arr. by Boris Ledkovsky; not to mention the eight-part Kontakion by Dmitri Bortniansky, too). When we rehearsed it last evening, for the most part, everyone was able to sing it well except for a few places where there's unanticipated leaps of fourths, or when a phrase begins on the leading tone. A link to a copy of this music is here. Please take a moment to look over the music, especially at those places where potential problems might arise. Last evening we seem to have the most problem with the last three lines of the first page and the first two lines of the second page. Specifically, there were problems with:
  1. The leap from "rule" to "and" (page one, line seven)
  2. Melisma on "nations" (page one, line seven)
  3. The leap from "believe" to "in" (page one, line eight)
  4. "in one sovereign" (page one, line eight)
  5. The leap from "enrolled" to "by" (page two, line one to two) 
I apologize that there's no recording of this that's exactly the same, but there is a very similar one on the St. Vladimir's Christmas recording from the late 70's or early 80's.

Also, please remember that we are planning caroling on Sunday, December 30. Times and places are TBD, but I'm hoping to go to Catholic Eldercare, Chandler, and condominiums in the "coal yard."

Saturday, December 15, 2018


The last seven days have been quite a whirlwind of emotions and fun. What a wonderful week in the life of St. Mary's Choir! I still feel like I'm riding high from last Saturday's exquisite concert. So much music, so much focus, and so much positive energy. All of this seemed to coalesce into a wonderful performance. As your director I was wondering how a concert on Saturday would affect your energy level at a hierarchical liturgy the very next day. Would it be too much? Would the importance of the eucharistic gathering with our archpastor somehow get lost in the shuffle of choir events and concerts? We didn't miss a beat. All of you responded with strength and with love for liturgy and music. Your grit and focus at rehearsals paid off. Congratulations!

But, after last weekend we weren't done. Still one more performance at the Museum of Russian Art on Friday. And, the pressure was on because people were buying tickets for this concert. As you have done time and again, though, you responded with focus and grit. What a wonderful performance and exposition of our liturgical tradition at last evening's concert. You magnificently gave everyone there a window into the prayer life and worship of the Orthodox Church. Again, congratulations!

This morning's event at Fair State Brewing was wonderful way to sort of "end" the week. It was relaxing and fun. I think anytime someone goes through an intense week and ends it with the combination of fermented drinks (within reason) and carols, there is nothing but a cathartic result. Thank you again (and, I guess, thank you to Fair State, too!)!

Please, remember that we have one more rehearsal before Christmas. It's important that everyone attend.

Also, please have on your radar (calendar) caroling on Sunday, December 30. Time and places TBD.

Saturday, December 1, 2018

One Week and Counting

We have just a week till our Advent Concert. Tomorrow's rehearsal after church will start at 11:50. Since there's a second liturgy at 11 AM in the cathedral we'll have to have rehearsal in the parish center. I'd like to have it in the gymnasium, but it's possible that yolka rehearsal is still going on then. If it seems like their rehearsal is not wrapping up soon, we'll have our rehearsal in one of the larger class rooms. Thank you for your flexibility.

Also, in previous emails I said that after Sunday's rehearsal I will host people at our house for fellowship and drinks. I'm going to have to cancel his fellowship unfortunately. Both Nino and Mila are sick - Mila more than Nino, but we probably shouldn't have people over. And, I'm still fighting off whatever I was dealing with in November. In lieu of coming to the Ealy's, I'll have some treats for everyone after rehearsal tomorrow.

Thank you all for your hard work leading up to these concerts (and a hierarchical liturgy next Sunday!). I can't wait to be part of all these upcoming events!