Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Concert, Concert, and Recording

This past weekend I created a small survey for you to fill out about the upcoming recording in 2019. I placed them in an envelope attached to the bulletin board in the loft. Please take one, fill it out, fold it in half, and return to the same envelope on the bulletin board. Please have all the surveys returned to me by Sunday, September 30. It's important that all of you participate in this survey. We want to make a recording everyone will enjoy.

Also, please sign up for the Byzantine Festival concert on Sunday, October 7 if you haven't already done so. The concert starts at 5 pm at St. Constantine's Greek Catholic Church on University Ave., but we should arrive at 3:30 for warmup, etc. What will we sing? As of now this is the selected repertoire: Annunciation Troparion, Nazo Zakkak; Orthodoxy Sunday Troparion, M. Petrovich; Psalm 103, S. Glagolev. The festival is always a fun event, so please consider participating this year if you've never done so.

At last Wednesday's meeting I mentioned that we've been invited to sing a Christmas concert at The Museum of Russian Art in Minneapolis. Today I got confirmation from the museum that the concert is scheduled for Friday, December 14 at 7 pm. Please stay tuned for more details.

Tomorrow's rehearsal we will start rehearsing for the Byzantine festival concert, one piece for the Christmas concert, and Bortniansky's Cherubikon No. 6.