Saturday, September 17, 2016

September 17

This past Wednesday we had a very productive rehearsal. Thank you to everyone who came and for putting forth such a good effort. I don't recall hearing us sing Kedrov's anaphora sung so beautifully; with energy, singing in phrases, and making the text alive. Thank you, again!

At this Sunday's liturgy, since we are still within the feast of the Elevation of the Cross, we will sing festal antiphons instead of the typical psalms. Again, similar to last Sunday's Second Antiphon, we will not sing the refrain in the music "O Son of God, crucified in the flesh..." but the resurrection refrain "O Son of God, who rose from the dead, save us who sing to Thee. Alleluia." I will remind everyone about this at Sunday's liturgy.

The Troparia and Kontakia are the following (festal music here):

Resurrection Troparion, Tone 4
Festal Troparion, Tone 1
Glory...Resurrection Kontakion, Tone 4
Now...Festal Troparion, Tone 4

Only one Prokeimenon this Sunday (Tone 7), "Extol the Lord our God! Worship at His footstool for He is holy!"

I'm looking forward to this Wednesday's rehearsal. Since we'd like to promote our recent recording, one of the pieces we'll sing at the September 24th concert will be Fr. Sergei Glagolev's "What Shall We Call You, Mary?" Also, we will sing Rachmaninoff's "Rejoice, O Virgin," Musicescu's Cherubikon (which we rehearsed very well this past Wednesday), Turchaninoff's "Many Years," Ledkovsky's "We Have no Help," and more.

I'll leave you with an interesting youtube video I came across yesterday. The video is of a Russian choir (apparently on tour in Spain?) singing Rachmaninoff's "Rejoice, O Virgin" at a museum in Barcelona. As you'll be able to see, their performance is complete impromptu, and I assume they did it solely because of the space they were in and wanted to hear how it sounded. The recording is not the best I've heard (although it is very good!), but it really touched me because of its simplicity and setting.