Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Choir Notes

Dear Choir:

I hope you are enjoying your summer so far. Please find below some announcements:

- Thank you to everyone who participated in the Choir BBQ last week. Special thanks to Kathy Eich for organizing and planning the successful event!
- The Troparia and Kontakia for this upcoming Sunday may be accessed at the following link: As always, I would encourage you to look at them before Liturgy on Sunday. I will be directing Liturgy and Parastas at the Cemetery Chapel, Sara Ann Pogorely will be at the Cathedral.
- Saturday, July 10 @ 3:30PM --> Wedding (Morse/Herzak)...GROUP 1; Sara Ann directing
- BDAA Performance Information: The performance will be on July 11. Sara Ann will be directing, and she has requested two rehearsals to prepare for the event (Thursday, July 1 and Thursday, July 8 @ 7:00PM). Music will include folk songs (possibly Kol Slaven, Katyusha, 'Tansui, Tansui') as well as upbeat liturgical hymns "'This is the Day', 'Glory to God in the Highest', 'God is With Us'). Also, singers are asked to arrive 45 minutes early on the day of the concert to warm up and rehearse briefly. I am still uncertain as to the location of the performance, but I will let you know as soon as I know. More tenors and baritones would be greatly appreciated.
- Thank you to Annette Simmons and Julie Moricz for doing a great job directing at the Chapel on June 6 and 13 respectively!
- There will be ONE Liturgy on Sunday, July 4th at the Cathedral at 9:00AM.

Rowan Morbey