Thursday, May 13, 2010

Choir Director Search Update

The following message will appear in Sunday's bulletin:

"As proposed at the Board Meeting in March, notice that St. Mary's Cathedral invites applications for the position of Choir Director was posted on the Monday after Bright Week. The notice was sent for publication/distribution to the Chancery of the Diocese of the Midwest, St. Vladimir's Seminary, the Pan-Orthodox Society for the Advancement of Liturgical Music (PSALM) and to the Pastoral Common Room (an OCA clergy list). The notice was also sent to five individuals who had inquired about the Choir Director position earlier in the year.

It is our intention to receive applications until June 1. A small committee will review the applications, identify potential candidates, and make a recommendation to the June Board Meeting about how to follow up with them.

At the moment there are five individuals who have contacted us and expressed an interest in the position and requested further information. Two resumes have been received to date."