Thursday, April 15, 2010

Greetings from a friend of the choir

I received this message during Bright Week from Greg Schaffner. He joined us for Lent a few years ago.

"Dear Rowan,

A group of six of us Episcopalians attended the Paschal services at the cathedral. It was a wonderful experience for all, and there has been quite a bit of conversation among us ever since. We wimped out at the end, I'm afraid, and never went across the street to say hello, which I'd been intending to do. Now that I'm rested up again, I really regret that!

Our regular church choir takes the summer off. Would you be open to having me sit in with your choir a few times during the summer? Just hearing the lovely liturgy again made me very nostalgic.

Many, many thanks for your deep hospitality five years ago(!). Please pass along my regards to any who might remember me.

Happy Pascha!
