Thursday, April 29, 2010


- Sunday, May 2nd @ 7:00 PM: Parastas (Grivna)
- Monday, May 3rd @ 10:00 AM: Funeral (Grivna)
- Wednesday, May 5th @ 7:00 PM: Choir rehearsal
- Thursday, May 6th @ 6:15 PM: Vespers (St. Alexis)
- Friday, May 7th @ 8:00 AM: Matins; 9:00 AM Liturgy (St. Alexis)
- Wednesday, May 12th @ 6:15PM: Vespers (Ascension); 7:00 PM Choir rehearsal
- Thursday, May 13th @ 8:00 AM: Matins; 9:00 AM Liturgy (Ascension)
- Saturday, May 15th @ 4:45 PM: Art-a-Whirl Concert
- Wednesday, May 19th @ 7:00 PM: Choir rehearsal
- Sunday, May 23rd: Pentecost
- Wednesday, May 26th @ 7:00 PM: Choir rehearsal
- Wedding: May 29th @ 3:00 PM (Group 2)
- Monday, May 31st: Memorial Day Liturgy and Program
- Wednesday, June 2nd: Thanksgiving Molieben Celebration for Fr. Benjamin Tucci
- Wednesday, June 9th: Choir Picnic
- Sunday, July 11th: Performance at Balalaika/Domra Event

Memory Eternal!

Larry Grivna passed away yesterday. Funeral arrangements are as follows:

Sunday, May 2, 7:00 PM - Parastas (Radulovich Funeral Chapel)
Monday, May 3, 10:00 AM - Funeral Service (St. Mary's Orthodox Cathedral)

May his memory be eternal!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Art-a-Whirl Concert Music

Dear all:


I have come up with a preliminary program for the Art-a-Whirl Concert. You can see the music at the following site:

The proposed program is as follows:
I. Feast of Feasts: Orthodox Paschal Hymns
Christ is Risen – English, Slavonic, Spanish
This is the Day… - Bortniansky
The Angel Cried – M. Balakirev

II. Great Lent and Holy Week
By The Waters of Babylon – Kievan Chant
Dismissal Hymn Sunday of Orthodoxy
“Now the Powers…” - Lvovsky
“Let all Mortal Flesh Keep Silent…” - Lomakin

III. Selections from the Divine Liturgy
Trisagion – Tchaikovsky
Protection Kontakion- Bulgarian Chant
The Lord’s Prayer – N. Kedrov, Sr.

IV. Pentecost
Let Thy Good Spirit- Soloviev
Come, Thou Holy Spirit – P. Tchesnokov

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Dear all:

In May, we have two weddings:

May 1 2:00 PM - Group 1
May 29 3:00 PM - Group 2

Here is the Weddings Group List that I found on the computer here at church.

Sopranos - Rachel Guhanick, Becky Moll, Barbara Leschisin, Lorraine Parlow, Loretta Ridley
Altos - Phyllis Banholzer, Sandy Dennis, Kathy Eich, Darlene Felegy, Barb Neumann, Penny Peters, Connie Tarasar, Nadia Rusinak, Toni Simmons
Tenor - Richard Hofstadter, Dcn. Gregory Krutchek Jr., JoAnn Lucs, Jim Varian, Alex Langley
Bass- Pete Felegy, Harold Lucs, Joe Neumann, Wally Parlow, Adam Rusinak, Mike Russinik

Sopranos- Deb Chagnon, Lorinda Chagnon, Mary Mecom, Alice Woog, Julie Memorich,Sara Ann Pogorely
Altos- Lynn Barnes, Becky Becker, Kathy Jurichko, Nancy Russell, Lynn Snyder, Diane Stenach, Polly Walker
Tenors - David Nelson, Nina Stenach, Georgian Woehnker, Dan Glumac, Tom Luichinger
Bass- Dan Balach, Pete Kocur, Todd Pilacinski, Dan Czapko, Larry Manoleff, Skip Rither

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Greetings from a friend of the choir

I received this message during Bright Week from Greg Schaffner. He joined us for Lent a few years ago.

"Dear Rowan,

A group of six of us Episcopalians attended the Paschal services at the cathedral. It was a wonderful experience for all, and there has been quite a bit of conversation among us ever since. We wimped out at the end, I'm afraid, and never went across the street to say hello, which I'd been intending to do. Now that I'm rested up again, I really regret that!

Our regular church choir takes the summer off. Would you be open to having me sit in with your choir a few times during the summer? Just hearing the lovely liturgy again made me very nostalgic.

Many, many thanks for your deep hospitality five years ago(!). Please pass along my regards to any who might remember me.

Happy Pascha!


Choir Rehearsal (April 14)

At choir rehearsal today, after doing some brief warm up exercises, we practiced the Troparia and Kontakia for the Sunday of the Myrrh-bearing Women, a setting of the Cherubic Hymn set to the melody of the "Noble Joseph" (which we will sing on Sunday), two more versions of "The Angel Cried...", and another setting of the Paschal Exaposteilarion "In the Flesh...". This was followed by a meeting where many interesting things were discussed. Please see Rachel if you have any questions.

Of particular note, we have two weddings coming up: GROUP 1 May 1st (2 PM - Kristin Henke); GROUP 2 May 29th (3 PM Aliya Kassimova and Andrew Nystrom).

Art-a-Whirl performance is on Saturday, May 15 (5:15 PM). We will be rehearsing for this in the coming weeks.

Pentecost is on May 23rd. Memorial Day is on May 31st - Liturgy 8:30 AM, Program following. It is also the first day of the Peter and Paul Fast...

Thursday, April 8, 2010

St Thomas (Vespers)

Vespers at St Thomas tomorrow will be at 1:35pm at the Thomas Aquinas chapel. ( it is building 7 on the map

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Vespers and Funeral

Christ is Risen!

On Wednesday, April 7 there will be Vespers at St. Thomas (10:55 AM) for Fr. Ted Wojcik's Liturgics class.

May God grant rest to His newly departed servant William Kovalitsky, who fell asleep in the Lord on Thursday, April 1.

Funeral service will be Wed., April 7 at 2:00 PM, with visitation 1 hour prior to the service at: Washburn-McReavy Glen Haven Chapel 763-533-8643, 5125 W. Broadway, Crystal