Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Rehearsals till Pascha and New Recording Date

Tomorrow will be our second of four rehearsals before Pascha. Even though very few new pieces of music will be introduced for Holy Week and Pascha, it goes without saying that the next three rehearsals are very important. In my experience, one of the biggest challenges for our choir during these long services is focus and endurance. These remaining rehearsals will not only prepare us as to sustain a prayerful and joyful atmosphere, but help keep our focus and stamina. If you were not able to come to last week's rehearsal, the next three rehearsals are mandatory for you if you wish to sing at the midnight service. If you are unable to attend a rehearsal, please let me know.

Next three rehearsals:

Wednesday, April 10, 7 PM
Wednesday, April 17, 7 PM
Tuesday, April 23, 7 PM

As I mentioned previously, our last recording on March 30 went extremely well. The more I listen to what we produced the more I'm impressed. Thank you for all your work thus far.

There are however a few things that we've yet to record: a couple stichera for the feast, as well as Kastalsky's Open Unto Us. Plus, there are couple things that I'd like to have another take with. So, after talking with Doug Geston, we've decided to do another recording on Wednesday, May 15 at 7 pm. May is a rather busy month for Doug with college and school concerts, so this was the only Wednesday that he had available. This recording should not be very long (well, at least shorter than our other ones). I'd imagine we'd be done no later than 9 pm.

Again, thank you for all your hard work thus far! 

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Saturday's Recording and Rehearsals Through Pascha

Congratulations on a wonderful recording session this past Saturday. I imagine that all of you have received already the "It is Truly" file I forwarded via email. It really was quite wonderful. Our phrasing was together and good, dynamics through phrases were great, our intonation was exceptional, and intensity remained throughout the piece. It was just great. Not to burst everyone's bubble, but one thing that could be better is our diction. Some words just aren't as clear as they should or could be.

Here's one of the takes from Fr. Sergei's Praise the Name of the Lord. Just remember - these are unedited files. The file below is our first take (of two) and it's just great. The second take might actually be better with phrasing, but we end slightly under pitch.


There's just a lot of great stuff that came out of Saturday's recording. You all should be proud!

Looking further down the stretch we need to remember that we only have four more rehearsals till Pascha. We just got over one hump, but have another one to push through, too. Please, *all* of these rehearsals leading up to Holy Week and Pascha are important. I ask that you make at least three of the four if you plan on singing at the midnight service. If you cannot make a rehearsal please let me know. Rehearsal dates are:

Wednesday, April 3
Wednesday, April 10
Wednesday, April 17
Tuesday, April 23 (starting after Bridegroom Matins)

Rehearsal is canceled on Bright Wednesday (May 1).

Again, congratulations on a wonderful recording session this past Saturday! See you tomorrow evening as we begin to prepare for Holy Week and Pascha!