Thursday, August 5, 2010

Dear Choir:

Greetings! I hope you are all well and enjoying the dog days of summer. As usual, here are some notes for the upcoming week:

1) Tomorrow is the Great Feast of the Transfiguration - Vespers and Litya (tonight, 7:00pm @ Cathedral); Matins (tomorrow, 8:00am @ Cathedral); Liturgy (tomorrow, 9:00am @ Cathedral)
2) Please see me for the Troparia and Kontakia for Sunday. Also, we will be singing the Magnification for the Transfiguration during clergy communion.
3) There is a wedding on August 22 @ 2:00pm (GROUP 2)
4) We have just received confirmation that the Zedashe Ensemble will be coming to the Cathedral to present a concert on Wednesday, September 29 @ 7:30pm. The Zedashe Ensemble sings music from the Republic of Georgia, a small country located on the eastern end of the Black Sea with an ancient Orthodox Christian heritage. They have previously performed at a variety of venues across the United States, including St. Nicholas OCA Cathedral in Washington, DC. This is an exciting opportunity, and I would hope that as many choir members as possible would set aside time to attend this event. As more details become available, I will let you know. In the meantime, here is a link to their official website:
